Having fun at other people's expense? Never.

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Deer Stamp

Rachel took a lovely trip to San Diego, but managed to find  a not-so-lovely tramp stamp at the beach.
First:  tramp stamps are never okay
Second:  Antlers?  Really?  

Needless to say, this girl and I will never be friends.

Rachel:  this picture earns you 5 Oopsydoodle points.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Sent:   Thursday, July 09, 2009 12:25 PM 
To:     Eden Prairie Managers (CBH); Eden Prairie Facility (CBH); Eden Prairie Employees 
Subject:        ATTENTION: Owner of Red Grand Prix 
Importance:     High

If you are the owner of the following vehicle

can you please move your vehicle immediately

as this is the location where the

“Family Fun Fit Day” event is taking place.

You will need to move the cones to get out

of the parking lot, and we ask that you return

the cones to their proper place.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Red -- Pontiac Grand Prix -- JRC 736

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Marketing Oopsydoodle

I like Honey-Comb, but I don't like Beeboy.  

This doesn't taste like bacon...

I never said CIGNA employees could spell, but they certainly know how to make ammends with a lunchtime Oopsydoodle.
Source:  This note was found by Christine Jasken, who has just earned her first Oopsydoodle credit.  Keep them coming.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Thank goodness for the Fourth of July to bring out the best in the Central Minnesota residents!  This young man not only sports a kilt, bag pipes, but a blonde... a blonde what?  Is that a mullet?  A tame mohawk?  Cocker Spaniel?  Whatever it may be, I commend you for your bravery.


This is why I am proud to say I grew up in Stearns County.