Having fun at other people's expense? Never.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

ShamWow or ShamDon't

A ShamWow demonstration at the Farmer's Market?  Yes please!  Notice how intent the women are:  they understand the intensity of their potential purchase, especially when they heard the man has a four-year college degree!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Parking OopsyDoodle. Don't worry, it wasn't me.

I knew the parking spots in the ramp at work were small, but I have never wanted a spot so bad as to sacrifice the paint job on my car.

A) Proper amount of space from pillar:

B) Can I put my pinky between the car and pillar? No.

Monday, May 18, 2009


When Minneapolis enforces parking meters on a Sunday, you would think they would at least be appreciative.
But after spending hard earned laundry quarters at an attempt to abide by the law, the meter laughs in our faces and declares FAIL.

Funny enough, trying to get a proper image of this parking meter without the sun hazing the message was a fail in itself.  

Future famous photographer? Probably not.

What happens when Stanger tries to take a picture by extending her arm?  She photographs the backseat.  

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Team Bonding

What are you supposed to do when your boss insists you sit through a 7-hour teleconference presentation, with no internet access, starving you from Facebook, the oxygen of our existence?
You draw on the whiteboard, of course.

Who will claim this cane?

When on recess from the world of corporate, I encountered a cane in the middle of the road.  

My colleague skillfully dodged the item, while I asked "Is that a cane?"  She understood the urgency of confirming this, and pulled her car over so I could get a better look.  
The owner, or acquirer, made several attempts to get it from the street, as wild suburban mothers rushed past him to get to Target.
Before  you hate me for posting this and laughing at an elder, note that no one was hurt, and please ask yourself how a man's cane wound up in the middle of the road?

Friday, May 8, 2009

Andrea's Open for Business

I don't really think this picture needs explaining.  

Douche Bag Oopsy Doodle.

Its almost too good to be true. How would you feel if you found this on your car?

Monday, May 4, 2009

It started with Andrea Lauren...

When my sister was a toddler, she was just as sarcastic as she is now. If she broke something, made a mistake or insulted my mom, she quickly responded with a drawn out "oopsy doodles!" As if to say "I could really care less what you think, and since I am a kid and you are an adult, you get to clean up my mess, and swallow my snotty remarks."

I have finally figured out the point of my existence; finding oopsy doodles that you just might enjoy as much as me.